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Our Principles

Our Principles

Business principles

Our success flows from the trust we enjoy from our key stakeholders (shareholders, employees, clients, candidates, business partners and suppliers), governmental and regulatory bodies and the communities within which we operate.

Hays operates in 33 countries and we recognise the rule of law within these jurisdictions and support appropriate internationally accepted standards. These Business Principles reach beyond our legal obligations and establish our relationship with society.

Our Business Principles apply to all Hays companies, directors and employees.

  • Commercial imperative. We are a commercial organisation and we will pursue the best possible economic return for our shareholders. However, in making economic decisions, we will have regard to the impact of these decisions on other stakeholders, including society and the environment.
  • Clients. We are driven to achieve superior results for our customers through exceptional service delivery and we recognise that our clients' success depends upon employing the right people in their organisations. In recognition of their reliance upon us, we will strive to understand and respond to our clients' needs, to introduce those candidates most likely to meet those needs and to enhance our clients' value to their own stakeholders. In making introductions, we are committed to rewarding our clients' trust through the highest achievable professional and ethical standards.
  • Candidates. We understand that finding people jobs is an important task in society that carries with it duties of care and professional behaviour. We will endeavour to match candidates' needs and objectives with those of our clients and we respect our obligations of confidentiality to candidates.
  • Communication. We expect our staff to communicate transparently and honestly with our clients, candidates, business partners, suppliers and governmental and regulatory bodies, within the legal framework of privacy and confidentiality.
  • Employees. We strive to recruit, train, develop and retain the best talent in our industry. We will pursue equality of opportunity, treatment and diversity through our employment policies and will encourage our employees to reach their full potential through training and development.
  • Human rights. Our relationships with clients, candidates, employees, business partners, suppliers and the communities within which we operate are based upon respect for individuals and their human rights.
  • Personal conduct. All our employees are expected to act with honesty, integrity and fairness. The offer or acceptance of any form of bribery is prohibited, including facilitation fees. Hospitality, gifts and improper offers or payments that seek to induce or reward improper performance or might appear to place any person under an obligation are prohibited. All Hays companies and employees will adhere to the highest ethical and legal standards in business dealings throughout the world. Conflicts of interest that interfere with proper performance or independent judgment are prohibited.
  • Environment. We are committed to operating our businesses in an increasingly sustainable manner and will seek to reduce our environmental impact year on year.
  • Community. We firmly believe that finding people jobs is a vital benefit to society. In addition, we will invest in our communities, including direct initiatives through charities to improve the employment prospects of the disadvantaged.
  • Health and safety. We will conduct our operations in a manner that strives to safeguard the safety of employees and the public.

Public policy principles

Hays interacts with governments, legislators, regulators and other public bodies in the course of its normal business activities. These Public Policy Principles are supplementary to, and should be read in conjunction with, the above Business Principles.

Our Public Policy Principles apply to all Hays companies, directors and employees.

  • Hays will not make political donations or support party political interests.
  • Hays will, when appropriate, seek to inform governmental and regulatory policymakers on matters affecting its business interests.
  • Hays supports openness in its relations with governments and regulators. Written representations will be open to inspection wherever possible, subject to commercial needs or other requests for confidentiality.
  • Although Hays may invite public officials to attend certain corporate or other functions, all inducements to public officials, whether financial or non-financial, that seek to reward improper performance are prohibited under our Business Principles.

Read about our Supplier Code of Conduct